The company held the mid-2023 employee mobilization meeting
发布者:admin 发布时间:2023-11-11 浏览量:589

At 14:00 on September 4, 2023, Yunnan Chemical Design Institute Co., Ltd. held a mid-2023 staff mobilization meeting, and all cadres and employees of the company participated in the mobilization meeting.

At the meeting, Li Ruosong, member of the Party Committee and general manager of the company, listened to the summary of the work in the first half of 2023 and the work arrangement report in the second half of the year. The report reviewed and summarized the achievements of the company's production and operation in the first half of the year, and fully affirmed the spirit of struggle of all employees to be down-to-earth, to work hard, to forge ahead and to overcome difficulties. And the key work of the second half of the deployment. He pointed out that in the face of the increasingly complex and severe economic situation, we must unify our thinking and firm confidence, always uphold the business philosophy of "becoming the head enterprise in several market segments", always adhere to the full-staff management policy of "from two-wheel drive to multi-wheel drive", accurately focus on the annual target tasks, vigorously implement the innovation-driven development strategy, strengthen the company's talent strategy, and strengthen the company's talent strategy. Continue to promote standardization, information and digital construction, and lead the company to achieve higher quality, more sustainable, more efficient and safer development.

Chairman Comrade Li Song made a concluding speech. He stressed that first, we should study and judge the economic situation, adhere to the bottom line thinking, and ensure the smooth operation of the company's production and operation; Second, we must adhere to the goal orientation, resolutely implement the annual goals and tasks, and ensure that they are actively organized, effectively decomposed and implemented in place. That is to understand the situation, clear positioning and goals, and strive for a good life.

Finally, the meeting called on all cadres and staff to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, constantly enhance the entrepreneurial confidence of officers, gather together to seek common development, build on the past and open up a new chapter, and jointly create a better tomorrow for Yunhua Institute.
